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Children and Mental Health

Children and Mental Health

In light of the growing numbers of children experiencing anxiety, depression and other mental health issues, Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Psychologist and Mental Health expert, Dr. Charmain Jackman, about how we can recognize when our children are in need of help and how to teach them coping skills to be able to verbalize what they are feeling.


Merrick Garden Club

Merrick Garden Club

Did you now that National Garden Clubs have existed in the United States since 1891? In these clubs, members learn about horticulture and how to sustain a healthy garden so they can teach others about it.

Bill Horan learns that there is a club on Long Island that is a part of this greater national movement from guests today are Ginny Meltzer & Cheryl Bennett, Co-Presidents of the Merrick Garden Club.

Secrets of Success Podcast: Monique Verpoort – Is This All There Is?

Secrets of Success Podcast: Monique Verpoort – Is This All There Is?

Bill Horan talks with Monique Verpoort, author of IS THIS ALL THERE IS. Monique will discuss why she says it is not what happens but how we perceive it that counts, how our beliefs become a barrier to a more fulfilling life, why we are who we believe ourselves to be and how emotional freedom techniques, known as “EFT,” can change our lives.